Bridging the Gap: The Biomanufacturing Workforce Initiative
Biomanufacturing Workforce Initiative
Since industry and academia often speak different languages (figuratively speaking), MBI partnered with MassHire in 2020 to create the Biomanufacturing Workforce Initiative (BWI), a coalition that is working together to solve workforce gaps. Consisting of more than 10 academic institutions and training providers, and 12 companies in the life sciences industry, the BWI is making strides in standardizing the way workforce development training is done.
Through this group, MBI partnered with Quinsigamond Community College and AbbVie to create an 8-week long training course for entry-level biomanufacturing technician positions. We have also helped create a program that MCPHS is piloting for Quality Assurance/Quality Control technicians, and are in the process of developing a Vet tech/animal husbandry training program with Fitchburg State University, the town of Leicester, Worcester State University, and multiple local contract research organizations, including Biomere, MeadowHawk Laboratories, and Charles River Laboratories.
If you represent a life sciences company and have a current or upcoming workforce need, we’d love to help! Reach out to Melina ([email protected]) to learn more about our initiatives and get involved.